
Cached Singleton by java.lang.ref.Reference

In Java, Using only-one instance, the following "Singleton" program is written, you know.
And this program uses a static inner class. This pattern is well known as "Lazy loading".
public class Singleton {
    private Singleton(){}

    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;

    private static class SingletonHolder {
        public static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
But the Singleton instance is not reclaimed without the ClassLoader is not disposed, because the ClassLoader holds the Shingleton class. So I will suggest how to create reclaimable Singleton class. The following program uses java.lang.ref.WeakReference.
public class Singleton {
    private Singleton() {}

    public static Singleton getInstance() {
            Singleton referent = SingletonHolder.INSTANCE.get();
            if(referent == null){
                referent = new Singleton();
                SingletonHolder.INSTANCE = new WeakReference<>(referent);
            return referent;

    private static class SingletonHolder {
        public static Reference<Singleton> INSTANCE = new WeakReference<>(new Singleton());
If outer program does not hold a Strong Reference to Singleton instance, Singleton instance will be reclaimed whenever a garbage collection runs. A life of Singleton instance will be shorter and memory usage of the Java VM will be decreased.

Note that a return value of WeakReference.get() will be changed after a garbage collection. So the return value of WeakReferent.get() should be substituted for a local variable at line 6 of the above program. If the referent is null, a new Singleton instance is substituted for the same local variable at line 8. These two substitution is important, because of holding "Strong Reference". At last, getInstance() will return a valid Singleton instance certainly.

If you want a life of Singleton instance to be longer, change WeakReference class to SoftReference class at line 9 and 16.


またこのプログラムでは、Singletonオブジェクトの生成を遅らせるためにstaticのインナークラスと組み合わせて使っています。「Lazy loading」などと呼ばれている手法です。
 *Lazy loadingを用いたSingletonクラスです。
public class Singleton {
    private Singleton(){}

     *@return 唯一のインスタンス
    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;

    private static class SingletonHolder {
        public static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
 *Lazy loadingとjava.lang.refパッケージを用いたSingletonクラスです。
public class Singleton {
    private Singleton() {}

     *@return 唯一のインスタンス
    public static Singleton getInstance() {
            Singleton referent = SingletonHolder.INSTANCE.get();
            if(referent == null){
                referent = new Singleton();
                SingletonHolder.INSTANCE = new WeakReference<>(referent);
            return referent;

    private static class SingletonHolder {
        public static Reference<singleton> INSTANCE = new WeakReference<>(new Singleton());

WeakReference.get()はガーベジコレクション実行を挟んで、復帰値が変わる点に注意する必要があります。そこで上のプログラムの13行目では、WeakReference.get()の復帰値をreferent変数に代入させ、強参照を保持します。referentがnullだった場合、15行目で新しいリファレントをreferent変数に代入し、強参照を保持します。これによりgetInstance()を実行中にガーベジコレクタが起動しても、リファレントが破棄されるリスクを排除できるはずです。こうして18行目で有効なSingletonオブジェクトを確実に返せるでしょう。たとえば、15~16行目を1文にまとめて「SingletonHolder.INSTANCE = new WeakReference<>(new Singleton())」などとしていけないでしょう。
